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What Can You Add to Your Business with WhatsApp Business API Integration?


What Can You Add to Your Business with WhatsApp Business API Integration?

      WhatsApp Business API is the latest technology that businesses of all sizes can use to improve operational efficiency and customer satisfaction. WhatsApp Business API is a model created by WhatsApp for businesses. What operations can you perform with WhatsApp Business API?

1- Business Profile

      You can create a business profile using WhatsApp Business API, just like with the WhatsApp Business model. In your business profile, you can add your business's contact information, profile picture, website link, business description, address, and any essential details you want to include. The business profile allows customers to access information about your business from your profile. Having a business profile on WhatsApp not only enables you to use WhatsApp as a personal and one-on-one communication platform but also allows you to maintain a professional presence on WhatsApp.

2- Product/Service Catalog

      WhatsApp Business API allows you to deliver your product or service catalog to your customers via WhatsApp. Customers can browse through products and view their details. They can select the products and services they want. With the quick reply buttons, when customers select and confirm a product or service, the transactions are automatically converted into messages and sent to the business. WhatsApp Business API chatbots understand when customers want to purchase a specific product or service. This allows customers to easily make purchases by selecting from catalogs without having to type the product or service name each time. It provides customers with an improved interface for shopping and convenience.

3- Creating Membership, Order Placement, and Order Tracking

      WhatsApp Business API chatbots can create memberships by gathering the necessary customer information. Creating memberships not only simplifies the tracking of customer transactions but also helps you build a customer database. You can also send campaigns to registered customers via email. In addition to creating memberships, customers can purchase selected products or services from product catalogs. WhatsApp Business API chatbots ensure a smooth flow of transactions from start to finish. With WhatsApp Business API chatbots, customers can also track their orders. Customers can easily find out the status of their orders. Providing 24/7 and real-time responses to customers, especially regarding order tracking, is crucial for customer satisfaction.

4- Receiving Payments

      Receiving payments directly through WhatsApp is currently available in India and Brazil. However, the option for receiving payments directly through WhatsApp has not yet been opened for Turkey. As an alternative in Turkey, you can direct customers to make payments through a payment link. When customers click on the payment link and complete their payments, WhatsApp Business API chatbots can recognize that the purchase has been made and proceed with order confirmation.

5-Collecting feedback

      Collecting feedback is essential for improving your products and services and for marketing purposes. Through feedback, you can enhance your business and make it more aligned with customer demands. With WhatsApp Business API chatbots, your customers can provide feedback via WhatsApp 24/7, at their convenience. This allows you to collect more feedback easily.

6-Customized Recommendations

       One of the most important aspects of online shopping is providing customers with accurate product and service recommendations. WhatsApp Business API chatbots can analyze customers' shopping habits and provide them with personalized recommendations. Customers receive suggestions for products and services that match their preferences from among many options. This speeds up the decision-making and purchasing process.

7-Campaign and Promotion Delivery

      Due to WhatsApp's high user base, you can reach a wide range of customers with WhatsApp Business API chatbots. WhatsApp Business API is more effective in marketing compared to marketing methods like SMS and email because the read rate of WhatsApp messages is higher. As a result, the chances of customers reading and being informed about campaigns will be higher. When creating campaigns, you can analyze customers' shopping habits and use WhatsApp Business API to send campaigns to many customers. WhatsApp Business API is a cutting-edge and effective tool for marketing.


      WhatsApp Business API enables you to take reservations. Customers can access information about available dates and times and make reservations based on their preferences. They can also later access their reservation details and make changes or cancellations as needed.


      With the B2B (Business to Business) capability of WhatsApp Business API integration, you can establish communication between businesses. You can facilitate information exchange with businesses that are your customers or your customer's businesses. For example, you can perform operations like placing orders, checking order statuses, querying account balances, viewing customer transaction history, and processing payments. In this scenario, WhatsApp Business API seamlessly integrates with your ERP system, fetching information from the system and instantly transferring it to the other business. As seen, WhatsApp Business API integration allows you to perform a wide range of operations through WhatsApp.